## Khắc Phục Lỗi Ổ USB Không Được Máy Tính Nhận Diện
Ổ USB đột nhiên không được máy tính hoặc laptop nhận diện là một vấn đề thường gặp gây khó chịu. May mắn thay, có nhiều cách để khắc phục lỗi này, từ những giải pháp đơn giản đến những bước xử lý phức tạp hơn. Bài viết này sẽ hướng dẫn bạn từng bước để bạn có thể tự mình giải quyết vấn đề.
1. Kiểm tra các kết nối cơ bản:
* Kiểm tra cổng USB: Thử cắm ổ USB vào các cổng USB khác trên máy tính hoặc laptop của bạn. Một số cổng USB có thể bị lỗi hoặc không hoạt động. Thử cả cổng USB ở phía trước và phía sau máy tính (nếu có).
* Kiểm tra cáp (nếu sử dụng hub USB): Nếu bạn sử dụng hub USB, hãy thử cắm trực tiếp ổ USB vào cổng USB trên máy tính để loại trừ khả năng hub bị lỗi.
* Kiểm tra vật lý: Kiểm tra xem ổ USB có bị hư hỏng vật lý nào không, như vết nứt, cong vênh hay bụi bẩn bám vào đầu nối. Hãy làm sạch đầu nối bằng khí nén (air duster) nếu cần thiết.
2. Khởi động lại máy tính:
Đôi khi, một lỗi hệ thống nhỏ có thể gây ra hiện tượng ổ USB không được nhận diện. Khởi động lại máy tính có thể giải quyết vấn đề này một cách đơn giản.
3. Cập nhật driver:
Driver USB lỗi thời hoặc bị hỏng cũng có thể dẫn đến việc máy tính không nhận diện được ổ USB. Bạn cần cập nhật driver USB mới nhất từ website của nhà sản xuất bo mạch chủ hoặc từ Windows Update.
* Windows: Tìm kiếm “Trình quản lý thiết bị” trong thanh tìm kiếm Windows, mở nó lên. Tìm “Ổ đĩa”, mở rộng danh sách ra. Nếu thấy có dấu chấm than vàng hoặc dấu hỏi chấm kế bên bất kỳ thiết bị USB nào, bạn cần cập nhật hoặc cài đặt lại driver. Click chuột phải vào thiết bị đó và chọn “Cập nhật driver”.
4. Sử dụng phần mềm khôi phục dữ liệu:
Nếu máy tính vẫn không nhận diện ổ USB, nhưng bạn vẫn muốn truy xuất dữ liệu, hãy thử sử dụng phần mềm khôi phục dữ liệu chuyên dụng. Lưu ý rằng, việc sử dụng phần mềm này không đảm bảo bạn có thể khôi phục toàn bộ dữ liệu.
5. Kiểm tra thuộc tính ổ đĩa trong Disk Management:
* Windows: Nhấn tổ hợp phím Windows + X, chọn “Disk Management”. Kiểm tra xem ổ USB có xuất hiện trong danh sách không. Nếu xuất hiện nhưng không được gán ký tự ổ đĩa, bạn có thể gán ký tự ổ đĩa cho nó. Nếu ổ USB không xuất hiện hoặc hiển thị lỗi, có thể ổ USB đã bị hư hỏng nặng.
6. Kiểm tra cài đặt BIOS:
Trong một số trường hợp hiếm hoi, cài đặt BIOS có thể gây ra xung đột và khiến máy tính không nhận diện ổ USB. Bạn cần kiểm tra cài đặt BIOS để đảm bảo rằng các tùy chọn liên quan đến USB được bật. Lưu ý rằng thao tác này đòi hỏi bạn có kiến thức về BIOS.
7. Thay thế ổ USB:
Nếu tất cả các bước trên đều không thành công, có thể ổ USB của bạn đã bị hư hỏng nghiêm trọng và cần được thay thế.
Lưu ý: Hãy sao lưu dữ liệu quan trọng của bạn thường xuyên để tránh mất mát dữ liệu trong trường hợp ổ USB bị lỗi.
#khắcphục_lỗi_usb #ổ_usb_không_được_nhận_diện #sửa_chữa_usb #máy_tính #laptop #hướng_dẫn #công_nghệ #thủ_thuật #giải_quyết_vấn_đề
How To Fix USB Flash Drive No Longer Recognized By Computer or Laptop
“Flash drives need the right components and power working at the right time or you won’t be able to access your data, luckily we can show you how to fix this issue.”
Are you looking for a way to repair your flash drive that has no power and recover the data? If so, you’ve come to the right place. The inability to power up a USB flash drive can be quite frustrating, especially if the data stored on it is important to you. But don’t worry, there are a few simple steps you can take to repair the power issue and recover your data. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to troubleshoot and repair a USB flash drive with no power and recover the data stored on it.
Broken San Disk Flash Drive Data Recovery – How To Recover Data From Broken Flash Drive
With the advancement of technology, the demand for higher storage capacity and faster data transfer is increasing. Flash drives are among the most popular storage devices used today, due to their portability, convenience, and affordability. But, as with any technology, they can malfunction and require repair.
Micro Soldering tools are one of the most effective ways to repair a broken flash drive, as they are designed to make precision repairs without damaging the delicate electronics inside.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss how we used advanced micro soldering tools, equipment and years of experience to repair a customer’s broken flash drive. We’ll also provide tips on how to prevent future damage and prolong the life of your flash drive.
The first step in the repair process was to identify the source of the problem. We used a multimeter and power source to measure the voltage and resistance of the flash drive’s components.
From this, we were able to determine that the issue was a faulty connection between the USB port and the controller board. Next, we used an X-Acto knife to carefully remove the outer plastic casing and expose the inner components.
This allowed us to get a better view of the malfunctioning connection. At this point, we used our micro soldering tools to make the necessary repairs to the loose capacitor. We used a soldering iron to heat and melt the solder, and a tweezer to carefully place the new solder in the correct areas. The solder acts as a bridge between the two components and ensures a secure connection.
We then replaced the casing and tested the flash drive to make sure it was working properly. Although micro soldering tools are a great way to repair broken flash drives, there are some precautions that should be taken to prevent future damage. For instance, it’s important to use a high-quality USB cable and to avoid using the flash drive in dusty or humid environments. Additionally, you should avoid subjecting the drive to extreme temperatures, as this can cause the delicate electronics inside to malfunction.
We hope this blog post has provided some insight into how we used micro soldering tools to repair a customer’s broken flash drive. If you’re in need of a similar repair, then please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d be happy to help!
Table of Contents
- Here are our most frequently asked flash drive repair questions:
- How do I retrieve my data from a broken flash drive?
- How can I fix a broken flash drive?
- What do I do if my computer won’t recognize my broken flash drive?
- What are the signs of a broken flash drive?
- Is it possible to recover data from a broken flash drive?
- Are there any data recovery tools that can help with a broken flash drive?
- How can I prevent a broken flash drive in the future?
- Can I still access my files if my flash drive is broken?
- How much does it cost to repair a broken flash drive?
- What brands of flash drives can be repaired?
- How to repair an USB Flash drive not recognized by computer or laptop?
- Who offers the best flash drive data recovery service for USB drives not recognized by my pc?
- About XiRepair®’s data recovery service
- Are XiRepair’s data recovery services private?
- How to get a free shipping label to send your flash drive to us.
How do I retrieve my data from a broken flash drive?
You will first need to repair your USB flash drive. If your flash drive is physically damaged, it is unlikely that you will be able to recover your data. If the drive is functioning properly, you can use data recovery software to scan the drive and try to recover your data.
How can I fix a broken flash drive?
- Identify the source of the issue. Is it not powering on? Is it powering on but not recognized by the computer? Does it show the files but then the drive loses power?
- Purchase advanced flash drive data recovery tools such as those sold by Ace Labs. Many of these tools cost upwards of $10,000+!
- Use a digital voltmeter, microscope and other recovery tools to diagnose the issue such as a bad capacitor or other damaged micro components.
If you want your flash drive repaired and the data recovered but don’t want the hassle or don’t have the expertise, XiRepair is a leading provider of flash drive data recovery. XiRepair offers 📦 Free Shipping 🔧 Free Diagnostics and 😁 Free Smiles because you will be beyond happy when our team is able to recover your data at an affordable price.
What do I do if my computer won’t recognize my broken flash drive?
Immediately contact a data recovery specialist. It’s vital that your damaged flash drive is repaired quickly to ensure your data is able to be recovered. Prolonged use of a faulty or damaged flash drive could lead to irreparable damage.
“Remember, faulty flash drives are way more common than you’d think!”
What are the signs of a broken flash drive?
- No Power / Light When Plugged Into a PC. If your flash drive normally displays a red, blue, green or other colored light when plugged into a computer machine, but no longer shows these signs of life, then your flash drive will most likely need to be repaired because it’s not regulating power properly.
- Drive Is Not Accessible. If your flash drive is plugged into a computer and the windows computer displays ”Drive Not Accessible” or “Windows Cannot Read This Drive” this could be a sign that your drive needs a physical repair or more advanced data recovery.
- Drive Shows One Megabyte Of Data. If your flash drive only shows 0mb of data inside of disk manager, file explorer or other 3rd party data explorer when plugged in this could be signs that a drive will need a data recovery service.
Is it possible to recover data from a broken flash drive??
Yes! It is very possible to recover data from a broken flash drive. Few people have the electrical expertise to work at the micro component level which is necessary to recover this data, but it is absolutely possible.
“At XiRepair our certified technicians are experts in flash drive repairs and data recovery. Our team has repaired and recovered data from over 25,000 plus devices since opening in 2014. As of writing this, we actively receive many flash drives every single day from across the US.”
Are there any data recovery tools that can help with a broken flash drive?
Yes. Most of the online software you will see advertised will be a waste of money in most situations where your flash drive needs a physical repair such as it’s not powering on or isn’t recognized by Windows. But there are some very expensive data recovery tools you can purchase online for flash drive data recovery such as those offered by ACE labs which costs well over ten thousand dollars for everything you would need, not to mention the machines necessary to run the software such as PC-3000.
How can I prevent a broken flash drive in the future?
- Avoid extreme temperatures when storing flash drives.
- Handle the drive with care and avoid dropping or exposing it to shocks.
- Unplug the drive safely when finished by using the “eject” command from the operating system.
- Use the drive only on compatible systems.
- Regularly run a disk check utility to ensure the drive is working correctly.
- Do not expose the drive to any liquids or moisture.
- Do not use the drive to store any sensitive information which does not have a back up.
“If you are in a situation where your flash drive has valuable data that is no longer accessible, our data recovery team will gladly assist you in getting a free shipping label and getting your flash drive repaired today. Click get a free quote below.”
Can I still access my files if my flash drive is broken?
In most cases, no. We’ve seen strange scenarios where the flash drive is damaged, will show the data in file explorer for a few seconds and then crashes. But in most cases you won’t be able to see your data if the flash drive is malfunctioning.
How much does it cost to repair a broken flash drive?
On average a flash drive repair will cost anywhere from $125 – $275 for common issues. However it’s important to note that each repair can be different and therefore if extra work or components are needed your data recovery could be more.
“Unlike many data recovery companies, XiRepair offers straightforward pricing that can be found on our website under flash drive data recovery. For the most common repairs, our team has flat rate data recovery prices that will fit anyone’s budget and beat our competition by a long shot!” – XiRepair Data Recovery Specialist
What brands of flash drives can be repaired?
XiRepair offers flash drive data recovery services for ALL types and brands of flash drives storage devices. Below are just some of the models that we have recovered data from recently:
- Centon (Watch Us Repair This Brand Below)
- SanDisk
- Kingston
- Samsung
- Corsair
- Lexar
- HP
- Toshiba
- Verbatim (Watch Us Repair This Brand Below)
- Super Talent
- Transcend
- iMation
How To Fix USB Flash Drive No Longer Recognized By Computer or Laptop?
Damaged Flash Drive Data Recovery – How To Fix A Broken USB Connector On A Flash Drive
In the following short guide, you will learn how our technicians go about repairing a flash drive’s that isn’t recognized by a computer.
Step 1. Disassemble the flash drive down to the printed circuit board.
NOTE:Most USB Flash drives have a branded casing or housing that holds the PCB which is where the data is actually stored.
Step 2. Inspect for physically damaged components. Look for burn marks, damaged and/or dislodged microcomponents.
Step 3. In this repair case we identified a damaged capacitor. The capacitor had become unconnected from the appropriate pads. Without this connection the computer wouldn’t read the data that was on the flash drive.
Using a micro soldering tool called a hot tweezer or pen, flux and solder; reconnect the damaged capacitor.
NOTE: This was the issue in this specific data recovery case for a real customer, it doesn’t mean that your flash drive will have the same exact problem in the same exact location.
Step 5. Connect the flash drive to the data recovery machine and extract the recovered data from the damaged flash drive to a known good storage drive. It’s important to remove the data from the damaged flash drive because even though it may be working now it could have further issues and we don’t want to take any chances.
That is how we recover data from a damaged flash drive that isn’t recognized by Windows! This was a real customer and they were ecstatic to have 100% of their data recovered by XiRepair. If you need your flash drive’s data recovered get a free quote below.
Who is the best flash drive repair and data recovery service?
We are at XiRepair®!
If you want your flash drive’s data recovered without all the hassle, click “GET A FREE QUOTE” below to get a free quote from our team.
For other questions about your flash drive data recovery, please contact us at (334)777-1234 or email us at (email protected)
Are XiRepair’s data recovery services private?
Absolutely! We understand that certain data could be the difference between winning or losing a court case, a patient living or dying, passing or failing an exam, no matter the reason you are trying to recover data, XiRepair is here to help keep that data safe, secure and above all else private.
How to get a free shipping label to send your flash drive to us?
Click here to fill out our intake form.
The information you provide our team will help ensure that our technicians:
- What happened to your flash drive?
- What issues is your flash drive having?
- What data needs to be recovered from your flash drive?
Once you answer the intake questionnaire, you will input your information into the customer information section. This will allow our team to follow up with you during the repair process. Insert your first name, last name, email address and the best contact phone number for you.
Next insert your zip code. This section will show you the nearest XiRepair location and give you the ability to mail in your device to our service location in Montgomery, Alabama. To request a FREE shipping label, select “Mail-In” repair. Then click “select this store”. Please note that we only have 1 service location for mail in repairs.
Now, click “Get A Free Label”.
In order to generate the free label, input the shipping address that you will be shipping from, such as your home or office address.
Lastly, click “Book Repair” and click “Print Shipping Label”. A new tab should open with a shipping label for you to print. Simply press “Ctrl+P” to print the shipping label from any home or office printer.
Now that you have a prepaid UPS shipping label. Simply pack your device or flash drive safely into a small package or box and drop it off at the nearest UPS store or drop off location.
And that’s it! XiRepair will contact you with information regarding your repair once we receive and diagnose your shipment.
We hope you learned:
- How to fix a flash drive that isn’t recognized by a computer.
- How to repair a flash drive that won’t recognize a PC.
- Where to send your flash drive for data recovery.
- How much a flash drive data recovery might cost.
- How to retrieve data from a flash drive with a damaged capacitor.
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